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Golden Ratio Power Quotes for Genius Activation


Within you is a vast reservoir of genius and hidden talents, yearning to be set free. Many experts agree that we use but a fraction of our total brainpower. How to tap the rest? With the master Genius Activation Key— the Golden Ratio, aka the Secret Success Code of the Universe. It guides the structure of matter and movement of energy throughout creation— and blueprints life itself. The Golden Ratio bestows higher value, beauty, insight, unity and success into any life, arena, endeavor, product, service or relationship. It invariably results in synergy: a greater whole that exceeds the sum of its parts.

This book is a treasury of over 350 custom quotes from over 225 people illuminating the Golden Ratio and related Fibonacci Sequence. It’s instant access to your own genius mastermind network of collective intelligence: IQ225. The quotes are potent, cross-reinforcing catalysts opening wide the doors to your innate genius and higher potential. Many are drawn from our books The Golden Ratio & Fibonacci Sequence, Nature’s Secret Nutrient and Peak Performance On Demand. Numerous geniuses such as Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Walt Disney, Ada Lovelace and Anastasia Soare drew vital inspiration from the Golden Ratio, expressing it in their life and culture-shifting works. So can you. The Golden Genius Activation Key is in your hands. Open Sesame!

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What people are saying about the Divine Code/Golden Ratio/Fibonacci Sequence, the key theme of this book:

Matthew Cross and Dr. Robert Friedman take one of Creation’s great secrets and make it accessible, engaging and fun. This book offers you a cornucopia of delightful insights, enlivening practices and inspiring ‘A-ha’s’!
Michael J. Gelb, bestselling author, How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci and Da Vinci Decoded

A masterpiece. The ultimate guide to success in all we endeavor to experience and accomplish in our lives.
Walt Hampton, Jr., author of Journeys On The Edge: Living A Life That Matters

The Divine Code of Da Vinci, Fibonacci, Einstein & YOU is a profound accomplishment and contribution to the future of humanity. It is great that all this information is compiled in one place and provides the foundation and inspiration for us to apply the Divine Code. Thank you.
Debra Reynolds, founder of The Children’s Dignity Project

Nature’s Path of Least Resistance and Maximum Performance follows the Golden Ratio.
Dr. Ron Sandler, peak performance pioneer


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